Cheryl Miranda
07709 251645

The Spiritual Sanctuary Yoga and Healing
'Liberate your body, mind and soul'

Meet Cheryl
I am a qualified Yoga instructor, holistic therapist and spiritual healer with over a decade of experience in holistic health.
I believe my own life experiences and self-healing has provided me with the compassion and wisdom I need in order to fulfil my life purpose; to be of service to others and to help those that need guidance and support on their own spiritual and healing journey.
My Specializations
The work I do can provide support and assistance in many aspects of your physical, mental and spiritual health and well-being. I have extensive knowledge and experience of working in the following areas
Chakra Re-balance
Energy Field Protection
Subtle Body Work
Stress Reduction & Relaxation
Energy Clearing
Depression & Anxiety

What Clients Say

"The healer you have been looking for
is your own courage to know and love yourself completely"