Cheryl Miranda
07709 251645
Please allow an additional 15 minutes for all initial appointments
Crystal Healing Therapy - Comprehensive treatment
(includes extensive layouts and sound healing)
£65 per session - 90 minute appointment
Crystal Healing Therapy
£45 per session - one hour appointment
Reiki with Crystals
£45 per session - one hour appointment
Energy Healing / Reiki
£35 per session - one hour appointment
Bowen Therapy
£45 per session - one hour appointment
For more information on Bowen Therapy please click here
Please note that the above time durations indicated for each treatment are a guideline. Every individuals need are different and your session may run over if there is work that needs to be completed before your session can end. It is my priority to ensure the well-being of my clients and I will endeavour to ensure all work is carried out before a session is completed.
Booking and Cancelation Policy:
To book an appointment please contact me
To cancel your booking please call 07709 251645 and leave a message. Please give 24 hours notice where possible.
For evening and weekend appointments I require a booking deposit of £10 which is refundable with 24 hours notice of cancellation for weekdays and seven days notice for weekend appointments.